Quote of the Day by Bishop T.D. Jakes -Some of you are working a job …….

Quote of the Day -Bishop T.D. Jakes

Some of you are working a job right now that is beneath your purpose or destiny;And you’re frustrated because it feels Like a dead end position and it feels like there is somebody at your age and stage making more money.You feel you should be further;- SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Where you are right now is not your destination- Its just a process. It’s preperation for what God is about to do next in your life. It may not be the thing that you are ultimately going to do, it may not be the thing that lines up with your prophesy, it may not be the thing that you were trained to do or the thing that you dreamed of doing but God said it is the thing that leads to the “THING”

~  Bishop T.D. Jakes

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